On Distractions, or, how to get it done.

OK, so in my series of how to handle life’s little (or big) “To Do List”, I must discuss the following kiss of death: Distractions. I once read an online blog (I can’t recall the author; sorry), and the post (with research to back it up) said “Distractions are for the stupid”. It seems harsh, but makes sense.

The research showed that you don’t unload a little bit of the dishwasher, fold some of the clothes, and pay some of the bills. Rather, you do the entire job: Unload the entire dishwasher. Fold all the clothes. And pay all the bills (unless, of course, you are waiting for a payday to cover the check; you are forgiven for this one!)

And the “do it all at once” philosophy makes sense for the mundane and common jobs. It is not practical for a long term project, like writing a business proposal or, remodeling a bathroom. That you can do in manageable bite-sized pieces.

And besides, when you break up the mundane, you waste time with start-up and wrap-up activities. Get it done in one shot. The time savings will indeed add up. And you can re-invest that time to something else.

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